MassIVE MSV000082639

Partial Public

Proteomic profiling of extracellular matrix during progression of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma reveals different contributions by tumor and stromal cells


Tian C, Clauser KR, Ohlund D, Rickelt S, Huang Y, Lidstrom T, Franklin O, Gupta M, Mani DR, Carr SA, Tuveson DA, and Hynes RO. PNAS 2019. Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) has prominent extracellular matrix (ECM) that compromises treatments, yet cannot be non-selectively disrupted without adverse consequences. ECM of PDAC, despite the recognition of its importance, has not been comprehensively studied in patients. In this study, we used quantitative mass-spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics to characterize ECM proteins in normal pancreas, pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN)- and PDAC-bearing pancreas from both human patients and mouse genetic models, as well as chronic pancreatitis patient samples. We describe detailed changes in abundance and complexity of matrisome proteins in the course of PDAC progression. We reveal an early upregulated group of matrisome proteins in PanIN, which are further upregulated in PDAC and we uncover notable similarities in matrix changes between pancreatitis and PDAC. We further assigned cellular origins to matrisome proteins by performing MS on multiple lines of human-to-mouse xenograft tumors. We found that, although stromal cells produce over 90% of the ECM mass, elevated levels of ECM proteins derived from the tumor cells, but not those produced exclusively by stromal cells, tend to correlate with poor patient survival. Furthermore, distinct pathways were implicated in regulating expression of matrisome proteins in cancer cells and stromal cells. We suggest that, rather than global suppression of ECM production, more precise ECM manipulations, such as targeting tumor-promoting ECM proteins and their regulators in cancer cells, could be more effective therapeutically. [dataset license: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)]

Keywords: TMT10 ; pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma ; PDAC


Principal Investigators:
(in alphabetical order)
Steven A. Carr, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, United States
Submitting User: clauser
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    Biological Replicates:
    Technical Replicates:
Identification Results
    Proteins (Human, Remapped):
    Proteins (Reported):
    Variant Peptides:
Quantification Results
    Differential Proteins:
    Quantified Proteins:
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Number of distinct conditions across all analyses (original submission and reanalyses) associated with this dataset.

Distinct condition labels are counted across all files submitted in the "Metadata" category having a "Condition" column in this dataset.

"N/A" means no results of this type were submitted.
Number of distinct biological replicates across all analyses (original submission and reanalyses) associated with this dataset.

Distinct replicate labels are counted across all files submitted in the "Metadata" category having a "BioReplicate" or "Replicate" column in this dataset.

"N/A" means no results of this type were submitted.
Number of distinct technical replicates across all analyses (original submission and reanalyses) associated with this dataset.

The technical replicate count is defined as the maximum number of times any one distinct combination of condition and biological replicate was analyzed across all files submitted in the "Metadata" category. In the case of fractionated experiments, only the first fraction is considered.

"N/A" means no results of this type were submitted.
Originally identified proteins that were automatically remapped by MassIVE to proteins in the SwissProt human reference database.

"N/A" means no results of this type were submitted.
Number of distinct protein accessions reported across all analyses (original submission and reanalyses) associated with this dataset.

"N/A" means no results of this type were submitted.
Number of distinct unmodified peptide sequences reported across all analyses (original submission and reanalyses) associated with this dataset.

"N/A" means no results of this type were submitted.
Number of distinct peptide sequences (including modified variants or peptidoforms) reported across all analyses (original submission and reanalyses) associated with this dataset.

"N/A" means no results of this type were submitted.
Total number of peptide-spectrum matches (i.e. spectrum identifications) reported across all analyses (original submission and reanalyses) associated with this dataset.

"N/A" means no results of this type were submitted.
Number of distinct proteins quantified across all analyses (original submission and reanalyses) associated with this dataset.

Distinct protein accessions are counted across all files submitted in the "Statistical Analysis of Quantified Analytes" category having a "Protein" column in this dataset.

"N/A" means no results of this type were submitted.
Number of distinct proteins found to be differentially abundant in at least one comparison across all analyses (original submission and reanalyses) associated with this dataset.

A protein is differentially abundant if its change in abundance across conditions is found to be statistically significant with an adjusted p-value <= 0.05 and lists no issues associated with statistical tests for differential abundance.

Distinct protein accessions are counted across all files submitted in the "Statistical Analysis of Quantified Analytes" category having a "Protein" column in this dataset.

"N/A" means no results of this type were submitted.
This dataset may not contain all raw spectra data as originally deposited in PRIDE. It has been imported to MassIVE for reanalysis purposes, so its spectra data here may consist solely of processed peak lists suitable for reanalysis with most software.