Few aerobic hyperthermophiles degrade polysaccharides. Here, we describe the genome-enabled enrichment and optical tweezer-based isolation of an aerobic hyperthermophile, Fervidibacter sacchari, which was originally ascribed to candidate phylum Fervidibacteria. F. sacchari uses polysaccharides and monosaccharides as sole carbon sources from 65-87.5 Celsius and expresses 190 carbohydrate-active enzymes according to RNA-Seq and proteomics, including 31 with unusual glycoside hydrolase 177 or 179 domains.
[dataset license: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)]
Keywords: aerobic, hyperthermophilae, polysaccharide-degrading
Principal Investigators: (in alphabetical order) |
Brian P. Hedlund, University of Nevada, USA |
Submitting User: | gabrig |
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Owner | Reanalyses | |
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